
Monday, September 21, 2015

The First Sun (Saturn) Energy

As the energies of our ancient Star and Sun rises and builds in Sagittarius, the message of "Faith and Patience" is calling us into a time for "High Magick". 

Holding faith in one hand and patience in the other, be the alchemist that combines the two through the next few years to come as these will help guide you through the process of awakening the creative forces within you.

When you feel pressured to jump ahead and rush the process, use faith in knowing if you are ready for the next step or not, stand in that silent strength confidently trusting what you know, your patience, perseverance and focus in this process of high magick will serve you well. 

Ancestral Healing (The Voice of Dust)

"Thy story shall whisper out of the dust" 
Isa. 29:4

My name is Cizz, I have been called by many names but the one I choose for myself is Cizz, which means sister of fire. I have been so long in the flames of this old age, I have finally reached the ashes and can clearly hear the voices of my ancestors speaking their stories out of the dusty mortar that our physical existence is held together by. I have willingly walked into these flames and traveled to the lowest bowels and pits of suffering and pain to hear the cries for release and forgiveness. I will sit down with you in this dust but we will no longer wail with suffering the lost of hopes and dreams, we will no longer bemoan and blame each other for our self made prisons of stifled and un-lived passions. I will sit down with you in this dust and we will write a new book in this ground, we will each place our finger into this dirt and dusty mortar to write the true story of unconditional love, we will pass that key of release through out all of our generations from the first to the last and then back to the first. We will forgive and allow ourselves to be forgiven, no longer will our ground cry out with bitter blood and shaking voices of shame and revenge. We will allow the salty ocean of our tears and sweat to wash and purify this sacred earth, our mothers, daughters and sisters will know their true worth and receive their full sustains without price and bargain. Our fathers, sons and brothers will be weaned and unshackled, no longer will flesh and gender rule our Day, no longer will terror and quake rule our Night. No longer will we be moved to give ourselves away to prove our love, no longer will we contract for imprisonment and ownership of each other, let our yes be yes and our no be no.

May our First and True Mother be restored and honored in her full strength and beauty without ownership
May our First and True Father know and feel more than respect from us, may He know our real love for him always. I call forth the healers in my family's book of blood, I call forth all the healers of the body, I call forth the healers of the soul, I call forth all the healers of the mind,  I transcend all barriers of cultures, religions, faiths and race, I cry out to all times and all space. I honor you, I cherish you, I lift you up and bear you, my heart will stand and dance with you, I hear your heart's desire, I feel your heart's desire, we will know our heart's desire.

Let the free bonds of trust and honor be restored, let true unconditional love abound, pass this seed of release through out all generations, through out all our lands.

Art/Photo: When You Wishpered by Jenn Violetta

Friday, September 18, 2015

Sharing the Harvest

I felt a tug.
You must be at the end of your rope.

In today's world it is hard for most of us to feel and know the rhythm of the seasons, especially during the harvest seasons as there are so many of us living in cities where we are not afforded too much opportunity to actually garden. So, when the trumpets of the seasons sound, we are looking around feeling and wondering to ourselves, "What's all the hoopla about?"

Well my pretties and beloveds, I am about to tell you something awesomely, absolutely, wickedly, deliciously...evil! 

In today's world we work in the work field (force) and our fruits come in the form of numbers (symbols) that we store in storehouses called "bank accounts" and even now those storage buildings are stored in something we call the ether of the web!  We don't actually have to ever put our hands on the money and fruit, just know your password and use your fingers (wands!) to pull up the numbers where you can see them. 

As the evening and night of gathering draws near, listen to what your own heart is saying! Some that just read this will be so offended with me for implying such things as they should have to share their money when they have worked soooo hard to get it! GREEDY! sister cizz (my sister of fire), she just wants my money or else she would not have told me such things...
Then some will be sad and feel dejected and rejected as they say, but I don't have any money, I forfeited my money making career to work a job that does not pay me anything and in a truth some of these will be saying "I don't work, so I don't get paid, I don't have the right to gather nothing"... 

The harvest season is when we come out and gather to together, husband and wife, children, friends, family and partners, we each stoke the flames and fire within our own hearts as the Moon starts to direct the never ending, abundant flowing source of light from the Sun. Our lesser great Light comes to the throne and calls all the stars out. What star energy and what play will you entertain the Moon with? What have you reaped in this harvest my precious ones?  

One says I am blessed in the lesser and the greater!
One says a thief met me along the way and I am empty handed! 
Another says I can't come out and play because it may cost me all I have left! 

Our harvesting does not have anything to do with money and fruits of the ground, it does have everything to do with the treasure of our heart, how well did your mind and heart serve you? What light can you see coming out of your own bosom? 

Our card and message for this energy rising, "The Minister" that brings assistance, help, and support.

It is better to give than receive, yet sometimes the greatest gift you can give to another is to allow them to give to you and not lose sight of knowing you are the one allowing it...the greatest is always shining the brightest in the lesser light.

"We have trained and we have studied. We have fallen and picked ourselves up to try yet again. Certainly, progress has been made with each effort and each attempt. But sometimes despite it all, we have to acknowledge the reality that we can't do it entirely on our own. 

"The challenge now is to achieve a balance, to offer help but not reliance"

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Harvest Moon with Lunar Eclipse (Super Blood Moon)

Just when we thought the Spirit of Mabon and Ostara (September) would ease the flow of the reaping energies, some harvests have brought us up lacking and some has afforded us the abundance of gifts, give thanks in the lesser and the greater for it is all a wondrous work moving us toward much brighter blessings. We will be entering into the Blood of our ancestors with this coming Full Harvest Moon as the earth will be passing between our beloveds in the moon and our beloveds in the sun, this will start our journey into the thinning veil of hearing the voices of those before us, the fae dust is already laid to the wings of the wind!

Our reaping and purging through the partial solar eclipse did not require drastic changes in our personal lives but gave us a gentle ease and pull to prepare us for the total immersion of entering into the menstrual purge of our sisters and mothers in the day and in the night, three generations will align and flow together. The very dust and life force within your own veins will be dancing and speaking with the voices of those before and around us. Some will cry out with bitter and anguished blood and others will sing words of comfort and praise. This will be an emotional experience for all of us, this is the time of all times to bring healing and reconciliation to our Fathers and our Mothers. This is a time for throwing open all the family books of blood and a time to repair and rewrite all of our DNA for all future and past generations!   
Our personal card and message for this coming event is, "Inner Peace" an instant in time where all time and reality falls away, all recording of passing time is put on hold, remember the dragonfly, as the dragon that soars and transcends all the veils of time and space that separate us, this flying dragon brings us change in the perspective of self realization that moves us into mental clarity and emotional maturity that fills us with a new understanding of the mysteries and purpose of life, it rest upon a white lily that brings the healing breath from the ground below up through the still and calm waters as a gift of unity in this healing for our times and personal lives here and now. Our ancestors and all future generations are beckoning and calling out to us, from the beginning and from the end of all creations, "put thy heart and mind into the dusty mortar and rewrite our stories, add your voice of healing, joy and love, let all our heart's seed burst forth from the richness below the waters into a New person, a New family, a New humanity and a New creation, let there be a moment of stillness, calm and peace as we reach beyond the veils and embrace each other."

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mabon (Shifting with the flow of Light) Solar Eclipse

During this approaching seasonal shift and turning of the wheel, the Spirit of Mabon comes out to meet Ostara  with a partial solar eclipse. The moon cradles the sun and shares in her abilities to give NEW light, she allows him to rest as she covers him in her own bosom.  The moon gives the sun a chance to feel the darkness. 

You may find your own self feeling as if everything in your life has become a struggle and sacrifice, the wise and the foolish are fowling during this energy flow as we ride the tide back to full. The kings and the queens are stirring and buzzing with the bees casting storm and shadows on the ants and the life giving pollen and dust are the faes spreading!

This energy is calling out the shadows from your own depths, life partners, husbands and wives, parent and child are in a tizzy with some taking the high road to an unsavory throne and some being crucified and thrown back into ruin of the past, fear abounds making both all the more lost in their own pains and pangs to get back into the nature flow of creation.  Both lack in their dealings with each other, tears, sweat and blood do cry out with injustice as the wise and foolish howl at the moon and the sun, at Mabon and Ostara in their mysterious way of being filled with faith and ease in giving and allowing.

For all my people pleasing wise and foolish, look at the sun and the moon, remember their own ease and feel the message they have for you, be comforted to know you have the LIGHT always in day and night. If you helped another by crucifying your own time, life and opportunities, by forfeiting your chances to have what is meaningful to you, when you stand in that dark energy screaming out, "Foolish, Foolish self!" you have been so foolish to trust that wise one that you handed everything over to in believing when your time of want and need came they would do the same for you and would share all that you thought you had helped them to gain. Here is your reward in the darkest night, "YES" you did help them and "YES" the wise one has served you back in all the ways you taught them to." The Sun says to you dear one, you may have been last, but you lead the whole way from the there, where is your faith! Teach and lead in a NEW light that shines always in the night, tell you wise child, "Silly, Silly child of mine, there is nothing to fear in the dark. If they have cast you off in their own fear of lack and refused you, leave them be and worry not, they have their reward, the unsavory throne of fear, blind and burning always in the light."

For all those afraid to upset and disturb another's feelings, to you that need to cater to other's feelings, know this, it is true, you do not have the right to take someone else's ease from them...AND remember, some find the most ease and pleasure in being miserable and afraid, do not refuse them this pleasure, allow all others to be in whatever LIGHT they chose, for you, have the light in the day and the night. Never ending abundance of whatever your heart choices. Learn the tides of your heart!

As a partial solar exchange, the changes need not be in total and drastic ways.

 Many, Many blessings ~cizz

Monday, September 14, 2015

Mabon (The abundance of light)

In this season with the approaching change and turning of the wheel, I look, reflect upon and consider all that has been brought to me, I give thanks in the lesser and the greater harvest, I have been and will continue in being served well in all these gifts, I accept these blessings. It is with a pure joy filled heart that I gently place my feet and hands upon your beautiful and sacred ground, my beloved Mothers, my cherished Sisters, my sweet and pure Daughters. Our sacred tears are tears of sorrow touched and dried by the caress of the Sun of the Day turning them into healing salt that courses through the veins of all creation. I give thanks to my grandmother and my grandfather in the Sun that turned their Light and reflected that to my mother and my father in the Moon, I give praise to my mother and my father that turned and reflected that Light into the kings and queens (children) of the heavens. It is with tears of joy that I embrace the handmaiden and wondrous keeper of all this inspiration.

I give thanks in the Day and the Night, I give thanks to the stars above and the stars below, I give thanks to the stars to the left and the stars to the right. I give thanks as above so below, as within so without. I send out my heart's voice and breath of love in the Day and the Night.  

Let the cauldron of oil represent the safety, love, nourishment and the abundance of having the light in the Day and the Night, that lights all paths of the glorious stars. Let the cauldron remind you that in the darkest of the dark night when it appears you have been rejected and abandoned, it is only for a moment that the Moon turned the light away so that you can see the wick of your own cord and twain has been lit.

Many blessings ~cizz