
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mabon (Shifting with the flow of Light) Solar Eclipse

During this approaching seasonal shift and turning of the wheel, the Spirit of Mabon comes out to meet Ostara  with a partial solar eclipse. The moon cradles the sun and shares in her abilities to give NEW light, she allows him to rest as she covers him in her own bosom.  The moon gives the sun a chance to feel the darkness. 

You may find your own self feeling as if everything in your life has become a struggle and sacrifice, the wise and the foolish are fowling during this energy flow as we ride the tide back to full. The kings and the queens are stirring and buzzing with the bees casting storm and shadows on the ants and the life giving pollen and dust are the faes spreading!

This energy is calling out the shadows from your own depths, life partners, husbands and wives, parent and child are in a tizzy with some taking the high road to an unsavory throne and some being crucified and thrown back into ruin of the past, fear abounds making both all the more lost in their own pains and pangs to get back into the nature flow of creation.  Both lack in their dealings with each other, tears, sweat and blood do cry out with injustice as the wise and foolish howl at the moon and the sun, at Mabon and Ostara in their mysterious way of being filled with faith and ease in giving and allowing.

For all my people pleasing wise and foolish, look at the sun and the moon, remember their own ease and feel the message they have for you, be comforted to know you have the LIGHT always in day and night. If you helped another by crucifying your own time, life and opportunities, by forfeiting your chances to have what is meaningful to you, when you stand in that dark energy screaming out, "Foolish, Foolish self!" you have been so foolish to trust that wise one that you handed everything over to in believing when your time of want and need came they would do the same for you and would share all that you thought you had helped them to gain. Here is your reward in the darkest night, "YES" you did help them and "YES" the wise one has served you back in all the ways you taught them to." The Sun says to you dear one, you may have been last, but you lead the whole way from the there, where is your faith! Teach and lead in a NEW light that shines always in the night, tell you wise child, "Silly, Silly child of mine, there is nothing to fear in the dark. If they have cast you off in their own fear of lack and refused you, leave them be and worry not, they have their reward, the unsavory throne of fear, blind and burning always in the light."

For all those afraid to upset and disturb another's feelings, to you that need to cater to other's feelings, know this, it is true, you do not have the right to take someone else's ease from them...AND remember, some find the most ease and pleasure in being miserable and afraid, do not refuse them this pleasure, allow all others to be in whatever LIGHT they chose, for you, have the light in the day and the night. Never ending abundance of whatever your heart choices. Learn the tides of your heart!

As a partial solar exchange, the changes need not be in total and drastic ways.

 Many, Many blessings ~cizz

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