
Friday, September 18, 2015

Sharing the Harvest

I felt a tug.
You must be at the end of your rope.

In today's world it is hard for most of us to feel and know the rhythm of the seasons, especially during the harvest seasons as there are so many of us living in cities where we are not afforded too much opportunity to actually garden. So, when the trumpets of the seasons sound, we are looking around feeling and wondering to ourselves, "What's all the hoopla about?"

Well my pretties and beloveds, I am about to tell you something awesomely, absolutely, wickedly, deliciously...evil! 

In today's world we work in the work field (force) and our fruits come in the form of numbers (symbols) that we store in storehouses called "bank accounts" and even now those storage buildings are stored in something we call the ether of the web!  We don't actually have to ever put our hands on the money and fruit, just know your password and use your fingers (wands!) to pull up the numbers where you can see them. 

As the evening and night of gathering draws near, listen to what your own heart is saying! Some that just read this will be so offended with me for implying such things as they should have to share their money when they have worked soooo hard to get it! GREEDY! sister cizz (my sister of fire), she just wants my money or else she would not have told me such things...
Then some will be sad and feel dejected and rejected as they say, but I don't have any money, I forfeited my money making career to work a job that does not pay me anything and in a truth some of these will be saying "I don't work, so I don't get paid, I don't have the right to gather nothing"... 

The harvest season is when we come out and gather to together, husband and wife, children, friends, family and partners, we each stoke the flames and fire within our own hearts as the Moon starts to direct the never ending, abundant flowing source of light from the Sun. Our lesser great Light comes to the throne and calls all the stars out. What star energy and what play will you entertain the Moon with? What have you reaped in this harvest my precious ones?  

One says I am blessed in the lesser and the greater!
One says a thief met me along the way and I am empty handed! 
Another says I can't come out and play because it may cost me all I have left! 

Our harvesting does not have anything to do with money and fruits of the ground, it does have everything to do with the treasure of our heart, how well did your mind and heart serve you? What light can you see coming out of your own bosom? 

Our card and message for this energy rising, "The Minister" that brings assistance, help, and support.

It is better to give than receive, yet sometimes the greatest gift you can give to another is to allow them to give to you and not lose sight of knowing you are the one allowing it...the greatest is always shining the brightest in the lesser light.

"We have trained and we have studied. We have fallen and picked ourselves up to try yet again. Certainly, progress has been made with each effort and each attempt. But sometimes despite it all, we have to acknowledge the reality that we can't do it entirely on our own. 

"The challenge now is to achieve a balance, to offer help but not reliance"

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