
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

"Streets of Gold" Road Opener Prosperity Knot Spell

Materials needed:

  •  Dressed and blessed candle (Color suggestions: white, green or orange) 
  •  Prosperity oil (Road Opener Oil)
  •  Prosperity herb powder (Road Opener Powder)
  • Green cord/twine (for tying verse knots) with one red bead and one green bead
  • Spell Verses  <Click for verses

Cast a circle or not, either way this spell will work. As with any workings it is best to perform your rituals and spells while relaxed and in a refreshed mind/body state. Choose a time and place where you will not be interrupted or feel hurried, you will need to be fully focused and given to this asking. This spell is designed not only to change the outer circumstances, but to also bind the negative inner/outer thoughts and feelings toward allowing the change to take place.

After you are ready and prepared to start your asking:

*Take time to pre-read the verses, read the first line of each verse together and then the second line of each verse together. Once you are familiar with the words continue on…

*Swirl the bottle of prosperity oil to stir and activate the herbs in it (three times deosil, three time widdershins), place a drop of oil on each finger tip of your left hand first, rub your finger tips together, then do the same with the fingers on your right hand. In doing this you are invoking the feminine (left) for asking and then the masculine (right) for receiving of the rewards. You are also anointing your hands to begin this work…

*Light your candle

*At this point you will begin tying your verse knots. The knots should be tied and located in this order:
-- 1--- 6 --- 4 --- 7 --- 3 --- 8 --- 5 --- 9 --- 2 --

Place red bead between 1~6, green bead place between 2~9

~Take your green cord and thread the red bead to the left side, tie your first knot behind the bead, say the first line only in the first verse.

(Lord and Lady in thee I trust…)

sprinkle small amount of herb into the candle flame

~Move to the right end of the cord, thread the green bead and tie the second knot behind the bead, say the first line only in the second verse.

(Open heart and mind, ready to receive much…)
sprinkle small amount of herb into candle flame.

~Continue tying each knot in the right order and saying the first line to each corresponding verse, then sprinkle herbs into the candle flame.

*Once all your knots are tied, they are ready to seal, in the same order the knots were tied, dip (or drip the wax on) each knot and say the second line to each verse.

~Dip first knot (By knot of one, the spell has begun…)
~Dip second knot (By knot of two, the spell comes true…)

Continue on to the last knot and verse, once all the knots are sealed your words of being open, heart, mind and hands to receive are also bound in the knots. If you should ever need to un-bind these knots and words, un-tie each knot in the same order you tied them in (the red and green bead will mark which end is which).

Place your knot cord in a safe place for keeping where no one will stumble upon it. Burn any written spell instructions or scrolls to ensure that none can find the words you bind! Bury the ashes with any remaining wax.

If your candle has not be spent (burned up), you can snuff it out for burning later, burn a little each day until it is finished (make sure you anoint you hands with the oil before relighting), then wrap any remaining wax and the scroll ashes in tissue paper and bury in the earth.

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