
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ritual Scentz Herbal Grimoire

Magickal Uses:

  • Blackberry Leaf:  Black Briar leaf is associated with Venus and the element Water
    Different parts of the blackberry plant have different correspondencesThe tea from the leaf is said to work as a mild aphrodisiac, it's powers are also in healing, protection, abundance and prosperity

  • Calamus Root: Aromatic rush root or Sweet Flag root is commonly used in spells and formulas for compassion, dreams, family, fertility, gardening, healing, love, peace, promoting sleep, prophecy, prophetic (or psychic) dreams, psychic awareness, sleep, and spirituality. Add to spells for gaining insight and help in revealing the hidden.

  • Calendula Flower: Symbolizes love and constancy and is great for wedding bouquets and decorations. It is the traditional "he loves me, he loves me not" flower and is useful for love potions. Wreaths of marigold hung over a door are said to keep evil and negativity from entering. Dried petals can be strewn to consecrate an area or burned in consecration incense. They are also a good addition to dream pillows. Protection, legal matters, and psychic/spiritual powers

  • Catnip: Sacred to Bast, use in any ritual involving cats or cat deities, in sachets and spells designed to enhance beauty or happiness. Catnip is also used for calming and relaxation, sleep protection, to enhance psychic abilities during meditation. Mix with Dragon's Blood to rid oneself of a behavioral problem or bad habit. Use with rose petals in love sachets or burn dried leaves for love magick.

  • Chamomile: Love, healing, and reducing stress. Add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances of its success. Sprinkle an infusion of chamomile around the house to remove hexes, curses and spells. Burn or add to prosperity bags to increase money. Burn as incense for de-stressing, meditation, and restful sleep. Wash hands in an infusion of chamomile for luck before gambling or playing cards. Use in bath magick to attract love. Keep a packet of the herb with lottery tickets for luck.

  • Cinnamon Bark:  Spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, and prosperity. Burn as an incense or use in a sachet to raise spiritual and protective vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers. A popular herb for use in charms to draw money & prosperity. Wear in an amulet to bring passion. Also Called: Sweet Wood
  • Cinquefoil:  An all-purpose magickal herb. The five points of the leaf represent love, money, health, power, and wisdom. Stimulates memory, eloquence, and self confidence. Carry, burn, or wear to possess these traits. Used for business & house blessing. Use in spells to bring protection to a friend or loved one taking a journey. Burn as an incense during divination to bring dreams of one's intended mate. Frequently associated with ritual work involving romance. Wash hands and forehead with an infusion of this herb nine times to wash away hexes and evil spells against you. Fill an empty egg shell and keep it in the home for powerful protection from evil forces. Wrap in red flannel and hang over the bed to ward off dark spirits of the night. Also Called: Five Finger Grass, Synkefoyle, Witches Weed, Five Leaf, Tormentilla, Sunkfield, Bloodroot, Moor Grass, Goosegrass, Goose Tansy, Crampweed, Silverweed, Silver Weed, Sunkfield

  • Copal Resin:  Love, purification. Add to love and purification incenses. Use a piece of copal to represent the heart in poppets. Copal incense is also used for purification; consecration; contact with other astral planes, exorcism and spell work
  • Dogwood:  Carry a branch or bark to draw trustworthy people into your life, use in spells, potions and formulas for instilling happiness, loyalty, manifesting wishes and uncovering secrets or to keep secrets, use to help pets get along better with each other, also rituals involving animal spirit guides, especially canines ( coyote, fox, and wolf), as well as any ritual involving deities that have canine forms (such as Anubis and Cernunnos).
  • Dragon’s Blood:  Used for empowerment, purifying, protection, consecration and ritual energy. It also has very powerful drawing energies, promotes good luck, success, love, and protection from negativity. Dragon's Blood is particularly good at clearing stagnant and negative energy from a home. When clearing energy, try alternating between Sage and Dragon's Blood. Burn as an incense to increase the potency of a spell. Has strong banishing powers against negative influences and bad habits. A pinch under the mattress is believed to prevent impotency. Used as a form of magickal ink. Carry or sprinkle around the home or place of business to drive away negativity. Carry or wear for good luck.

  • Eucalyptus:  Attracts healing vibrations, great for protection and healing sachets. Use to purify any space. Use dried leaves to stuff healing poppets, pillows, or sachets. Arrange a ring of dried leaves around a blue candle and burn the candle for healing vibrations. Carry in a sachet or amulet to help reconcile difficulties in a relationship, for protection, and/or to maintain health.
  • Fleabane: Exorcism, protection, chastity.

  • Fleawort: (Horseweed) Like Fleabane uses are exorcism, protection, chastity but this one also has healing energies for the physical and emotional needs.

  • Frankincense: Use to ward off negativity, cleanse and purify your sacred ritual space, also used for protection in charms, amulets, spells and potions, as for offering at Beltane, Lammas, and Yule. Enhances the power of topaz. Use in rituals and magick associated with self-will, self-control, or the ego. Represents the ability of the divine to move into manifestation. Add to charm bags and sachets to bring success. Mix with Cumin and burn as incense for powerful protection.

  • High John Root: As its name implies, High John root is a source of power and is almost always used for positive ends. Drawing money, building personal powers and conquering enemies to name a few of the uses.

  • Holly : (Bat’s Wing) Marriage, dream magick, luck, and love. Planted around the outside of the home for protection. Used as a decoration at Yule. When carried by men, is thought to heighten masculinity.

  • Hyssop:  The most widely used purification herb in magick. Lightens vibrations and promotes spiritual opening; used for cleansing and purification. Said to protect property against burglars and trespassers. Used to consecrate magickal tools or items made of tin. The best herb for physical cleansing and washing of temple, ritual tools, or oneself (bath magick). Add to baths & sachets, infuse and sprinkle on objects/people for cleansing or hang in the home to purge it of evil & negativity.
  • Juniper:  Banishes all things injurious to good health; attracts good, healthy energies and love. Juniper berries can be carried by males to increase potency. Use a string of juniper berries to attract love. Burn for magickal protection. Place a sprig of juniper near the door to a home or with valuables to help safeguard against theft (but keep locking the doors, too!). Use juniper oil in magickal workings to increase money and prosperity.

  • Lavender:  Magickal uses include love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. Promotes healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Use in love spells and sachets, especially those to attract men.
  • Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis): Use for love potions, aphrodisiacs, fertility and anti depressant. Healing spells and rituals for those suffering from mental, emotional or nervous disorders. Animal healing, compassion, endings, happiness, healing, longevity, prosperity, psychic, release, success,and youth. The uses of lemon balm opens one to the divine love of the Goddess and also believed to add energy to one’s being which makes you more appealing in the world of love and romance.
  • Lemongrass: Psychic cleansing and opening, lust potions.
  • Mimosa: Removes a sense of isolation, especially for older people; calms anxiety; relieves depression, gastric problems, cuts, and wounds, also nightmares. Protection, purification, love, dream magick. Use in sleep pillows to draw prophetic dreams. Use in bath magick to break hexes and prevent future problems. Scatter around an area for purification.
  • Mist Flower (Conoclinium coelestinum, Ageratum): This nectar plant is ruled by Venus and will bring the energies of love, strength, psychic energy, hexbreaking, prosperity, protection, success, and purification. Use it to draw and communicate with the Fae  
    • Mugwort: Carried to increase lust & fertility, prevent backache and cure disease & madness. Place around divination and scrying tools to increase their power or near the bed to enable astral travel. Use in sleep pillow or place in a sachet under your pillowcase to bring about prophetic dreams. Use an infusion of mugwort to clean crystal balls and magick mirrors.

    • Mulberry: The tree was dedicated by the Ancients to Minerva, the Goddess of wisdom in the Roman pantheon. Use to increase one's access to wisdom and ability to think clearly. Mulberry is an excellent leaf to dry and press into your Book of Shadows. Fresh berries may be set out as an offering and the leaves may be used for bathing. Mulberry is believed to offer protection for children and babies.

    • Mullein: (Graveyard herb) Protection from nightmares & sorcery, courage, cursing, and invoking spirits. Place beneath pillow or use in dream pillow to guard against nightmares. Carry to instill courage and help attract love from the opposite sex. Use in place of graveyard dust in spells. Wear to keep wild animals at bay in unfamiliar areas. Burn to banish bad influences and bring an immediate halt to bad habits.

    • Myrrh:  Spiritual opening, meditation, and healing. This herb has high psychic vibrations that will enhance any magickal working. Burn as a potent incense to bring peace and for consecration, and blessing of talismans, charms, and magickal tools. Increases the power of any incense of which it is a part. Usually burned with Frankincense.
    • Myrtle Crape Bark:  Use for helping with releasing the "old" and moving on to new beginnings, add to potions, spells and formulas for strength and courage during times of change, transitions and transformations.
    • Patchouli: Used in spells, sachets, baths and mixtures for money & love. Put in the wallet or purse to draw money. Place in a charm or use in incense for fertility. Helps to ground you and bring your consciousness back to the physical level. Burn to bring business growth.
    • Peppermint leaf (Mentha Piperita): Use to increase the vibrations of a space or in spells and incense for healing and purification. Place in sleep pillow to ensure peaceful sleep and bring about prophetic dreams. Use to anoint furnishings and household objects. Burn in a new home to clear out sickness and negative energy. Use in magickal workings to provide the push needed to bring change to one's life. Also hex, jinx and curse breaking.  
    • *Periwinkle: *Note: Can be poisonous, use with caution. Love within marriage, mental powers, and money. Carry to obtain grace, attract money, and protect against snakes and poison. Use in magickal workings to restore lost memory. Burn with love incense before having sex with your husband or wife. Also called the Patron herb of Wiccans, this Water and Venus plant is considered protective, especially amongst the Celts, and is often referred to as the Violet of the Sorcerers. It has the ability to re-inspire love and is usually associated with the past, whether that be past love or memories. In Eastern European systems, it stands for eternal love and was planted on graves. Agrippa associated this magick herb with the north star, Polaris, which is the fixed star known as the tail of the Lesser Bear (Little Dipper). You can see the steadfastness sought through love magick found in the steady guiding light of this star, so you can consider that periwinkle has the characteristic of being steadfast and trusty.

    • Red Clover:  Healing and good fortune! Luck in love, marriage matters, money and protection. It is believed that the leaves of clover can aid with seeing the fae and other spirits. 

    • Red Rose: Magickal uses include divine love, close friendships, domestic peace/happiness, and lasting relationships (Red roses stand for love, romantic love and enduring passion. Representing true love stronger than thorns). Great for use in incense, potpourri or bath magick. Place around sprains and dark bruises to help them heal faster.

    • Rosemary:  Used in spells to enhance memory, as study aid and academic success. Also used to ward off negative energies and nightmares.  Burn or use in spells for fidelity and remembrance as well as to dispel jealousy.

    • Sage:  (white sage) Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom. Used in healing sachets & incense. Promotes spiritual, mental, emotional & physical health and longevity. Removes negative energy. Place near a personal object of a person who is ailing when performing healing spells or rituals. Write a wish on a sage leaf and place it under your pillow for 3 nights -- if you dream of your wish, it will come true; if not, bury the leaf in the ground so that no bad will come to you.

    • Sandalwood: Purification, healing, protection, consecration. Used to raise energy vibrations and enhance spell works. Also used as offerings to the gods and spirits.    

    • Seven Barks: (Hydrangea) Hex-breaking, love drawing, bringing back a lover, fidelity, and binding.

    • Star Anise: Burned as incense to increase psychic awareness & abilities. Placed on the altar to increase the power generated. Carried to bring luck.

    • Strawberry: Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances. Served as a love food. Leaves are carried for luck. Pregnant women carry a packet of the leaves to ease the pain of pregnancy and childbirth.
    • Sweetgum: Helps with clearing the mind, promotes healing and courage, the leaf naturally grows in the shape of the five pointed star giving the magical properties of balance and protection. Use in potions and spells to enhance the powers of all the other ingredients.

    • Three Kings resin: It is used for protection, deep meditation (astral travel), divination and third eye. Can also be added to incense, charms, talisman to draw prosperity.

    • Turkey Tail (Fungi/shroom): Resilient and adaptable! Healing, used for resilience, stamina and strength through difficult times or recovery (spiritual, physical and emotional). These decomposing fungal organisms (known as primary decomposers) are vital in the cycle of life & the seasons, each one an agent in an autumnal pull back to the earth, doing the good dirty work so new life can leap forward in the next season, add to workings for new beginnings and easier transitions for the phrases of life.

    • Vervain: Protection, purification, money, youth, peace, healing, and sleep. Bury in the yard or keep in the home to encourage wealth, protect from lightning & storms, and bring peace. Put under the pillow to prevent nightmares. Use as an incense to end unrequited love. Use in prosperity spells. Carry to prevent depression and/or bring creativity. Use in cleansing baths and rituals before working magick. Use in amulets, sachets, dream pillows, and baths for all-purpose protection of home sand people (especially children). Also Called: Verveine, Verbena
    • White Clover (Trifolium repens): Protection from Evil. Carry white clover flowers in a flannel bag to break a Hex. Used to cleanse a house of evil spirits, the petals of white clover were once dried and made into "fairy-bread". Has an affinity with the rune Fehu/Feoh
    • White Pine Bark: Promotes clean breaks, new beginnings, prosperity, success, strength, grounding, and growth; Also used for cleansing, purification, and repelling negativity. Great for house and business blessing.
    • Wild Lettuce: Wild lettuce was referred to as "Titan's Blood" in ancient Greek manuscripts on magic and is ruled by Saturn. Wild Lettuce Leaf was often used among Native Americans in religious ritual as an aid in seeking meditative trances and visions, and to create more vivid dreams. Use in spells dealing with the Moon and Element of Water, also divination and chastity spells.
    • Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium): The scent of wormwood is said to increase psychic powers. Burned with incenses on Samhain to aid evocation, divination, scrying and prophecy. Especially good when combined with Mugwort. Strengthens incenses for exorcism and protection. Use in spells for: Binding; Psychic Awareness; Evocation; Love; Clairvoyance. Also used to remove anger, stop war, inhibit violent acts, and for protection from the evil eye.
    • Yarrow Flowers: Uses include healing, hand fasting, and divination. Draws love. Carry as a sachet or amulet to banish negativity, ward off fear, and promote courage, confidence, and psychic opening. Place in a yellow flannel bag with a piece of parchment on which you have written your fears, carry with you to overcome them.


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