
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Sacred Seasons: The Whispers Of Autumn

Autumn, Water, Metal, Earth, Quicksilver

Farewells are always bitter sweet, the memory of pure joy and bliss of all the wondrous lush and beauty, the sweet smell of new born life as it unfolds and releases its fresh scent into the ever swirling streams of air, the baby soft down feathers fluttering about as the red and golden leafs slowly drop revealing the marvelously constructed, and yet now empty nests they had been from the hot sun, winds and rains are no longer needed. Do as the trees do, as the birds take flight drop the dew of your breath upon theirs wings and send them off with blessings filled with the remembrance of the past sacred seasons happily spent together. Bid them to share the gentle touch of sweet fulfillment of longings and hopes everywhere they travel.

As the trees start to undress and prepare for a much needed rest, they drop the dew of their breath over us and whisper secret blessings upon us. The sweet fruits of red, blue and purple say, "take of me and remember the sacred waters and the sacred dust of earthy elements mixed within that course through out all our veins".  The golden fruits of yellow and orange say, "take of me and remember the sacred waters you were formed in." The Lord and Lady whisper, "remember all the ones before you, that brought you forward, remember you are the sacred fruit of the vine and the root that was fed and nourished with light from the Evergreen tree above, you were gifted by these and now carry within your own seed of light. Remember how you gently unfolded down into the living waters and was received and accepted as a most precious creation, these living waters gifted to you, your own ever filling chalice that runs over in abundance. Wherever the wings of the Morning takes you, you shall never lack or want for anything. Remember the sacred Evergreen, for he shall be with you always."

As the natural world around us pours out and gives of its last blessings for this season, we are being called into our own currents and rhythms urging us to finish our own libations and offerings of blessings to be added into the flow of sacredness toward All.  We are reminded by the Sacred Source of all rivers, that even though our side of the world is drawing within for its sacred sleep, the same life giving waters do flow eastward out of the temple, as it weaves its circuit and course in all directions rising above all elements and dropping below all elements, we have the wheel of the year that all seasons are occurring, that there is always those awakening toward the world to raise up the waters of life giving blessings. So, as you pour out your seasonal blessings, freely give back the best you have to give and know that it shall return to you within the sweet dew of the next morning season. 

Many Blessings

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