
Friday, October 16, 2015

Spell Works: Legal Matters and Court Cases

Candle Colors:

  • Orange: Justice and legal matters
  • Brown: Special favor
  • Purple: Influence people in high positions
  • Grey: Erasing, balance, neutrality, canceling, confusion

Stones and Crystals:

  • Bloodstone: Legal matters
  • Hematite: "Lawyer Stone", positive judgement
  • Citrine: Successful outcome
  • Lodestone: To draw the works/energy toward you

Oils: (For making your own oil)

  • Olive oil as the carrier for peace and victory
  • Sunflower oil as the carrier for protection and success
  • Sweet Almond as the carrier for overcoming obstacles


Barberry: For atonement, cleansing, freeing oneself from the powers or control of another

Basil: To move forward in positive manner despite perilous danger.

Bay Leaf: Protection against dark/black magic

Black Pepper: Aids in courage for difficult situations

Calendula Flowers: Protection, legal matters, helps and aids justice in your favor.

Cascara Bark (Bearberry): Legal matters and to win court cases.

Celandine: Brings victory and assist in legal matters, also wards against negative energies.

Devil's Shoestring: Protection, luck and invisibility

Dill:  Wards off dark energies.

Dogwood: Grants wishes, seals, silences and hides what needs to be kept secret.

Galangal Root: Winning court cases and breaking hexes

Gardenia:  Promotes peace and repels strife

Hickory: Protection and legal matters

Hyssop: Purging negative energies, protection (Granddaddy herb for getting rid of negative workings and energies!)

Little John: Good luck in all endeavors

Marigold Flowers: Luck in court cases and legal matters.

Mimosa: Break hexes and prevent future problems

Mullein: Protection

Myrrh: Add to enhance and boost workings

Dead Nettle: To overcome obstacles, archangel Micheal protection.

Palo Santo:  Remove curses

Pennyroyal: To remove negative thoughts against you.

Periwinkle: To obtain grace

Pine: Clean breaks for new beginnings

Plantain: To remove vengeful negative energies and healing

Poppy Seeds: Invisibility 

Rose Geranium: Averts negativity, gossip and false accusations.

Slippery Elm: Halts gossip

St. John Wort: Strengthens courage and conviction when confronting nasty situations. 

Strawberry leaf: For favorable situations.

Thyme: Attracts good opinions of others.

Violet Flowers: Calm nerves and promote peace

Wormwood: To remove anger, stop war, protection against evil eye.


Just Judge Oil

Win Court Case Spell Kit

Helping Hand Oil

Law Away Oil (Conjured Cardea)

Danda Oil (Conjured Cardea)

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