
Sunday, October 18, 2015

October Correspondence

retained its name from the Latin octō meaning "eight"

Moon Names: (Hunter's Moon/Falling Leaf Moon)

The moon of new goals, protection, resolution and spirituality. Time to reflect and evaluate the year's accomplishments. The beginning of shadow works.

Algonquian - Pepewarr (white frost one grass)

Appalachian - Blood Moon

Celtic - Harvest Moon

Colonial American - Hunter's Moon

Chinese - Kindly Moon

Cherokee - Duninhdi ( harvest moon)

Choctaw - Hash Koinchush (moon of the wildcat)

Comanche - yuba mua (fall moon)

Druid - Reed Moon 

English Medieval - Blood Moon

Hopi - Angaqmuyaw (moon of long hair)

Astrological Signs:

The Zodiac Sign Libra | Sep 24 - Oct 23

The Zodiac Sign Scorpio | Oct 24 - Nov 22

Plants, Trees, Herbs and Resins:

Allspice, Apple, Ash, Basil, Benzoin, Chrysanthemum, Cloves, Cypress, Dandelion, Dill, Dittany, Elder, Elderberries Galangal, Gardenia, Ginger, Heather, Horehound, Ivy, Mapple, Marigold, Mugwort, Mullein, Myrrh, Nettle, Oak, Opoponax, Patchouli, Pennyroyal, Pine, Pumpkin, Reed, Saffron, Sarsaparilla, Thistle, Vanilla, 


Black, Brown, Dark Green, Grey, Gold, Maroon, Orange, Red, Dark Red

Stones and Crystals:

Agate, Aquamarine, Beryl, Bloodstone, Citrine, Coral, Garnet, Malachite, Obsidian, Opal, Rutilated Quartz, Ruby, Topaz


Bats, Cats, Crow, Dog, Eagle, Hawk, Owl, Raven, Scorpion, Snake, Vulture 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Spell Works: Legal Matters and Court Cases

Candle Colors:

  • Orange: Justice and legal matters
  • Brown: Special favor
  • Purple: Influence people in high positions
  • Grey: Erasing, balance, neutrality, canceling, confusion

Stones and Crystals:

  • Bloodstone: Legal matters
  • Hematite: "Lawyer Stone", positive judgement
  • Citrine: Successful outcome
  • Lodestone: To draw the works/energy toward you

Oils: (For making your own oil)

  • Olive oil as the carrier for peace and victory
  • Sunflower oil as the carrier for protection and success
  • Sweet Almond as the carrier for overcoming obstacles


Barberry: For atonement, cleansing, freeing oneself from the powers or control of another

Basil: To move forward in positive manner despite perilous danger.

Bay Leaf: Protection against dark/black magic

Black Pepper: Aids in courage for difficult situations

Calendula Flowers: Protection, legal matters, helps and aids justice in your favor.

Cascara Bark (Bearberry): Legal matters and to win court cases.

Celandine: Brings victory and assist in legal matters, also wards against negative energies.

Devil's Shoestring: Protection, luck and invisibility

Dill:  Wards off dark energies.

Dogwood: Grants wishes, seals, silences and hides what needs to be kept secret.

Galangal Root: Winning court cases and breaking hexes

Gardenia:  Promotes peace and repels strife

Hickory: Protection and legal matters

Hyssop: Purging negative energies, protection (Granddaddy herb for getting rid of negative workings and energies!)

Little John: Good luck in all endeavors

Marigold Flowers: Luck in court cases and legal matters.

Mimosa: Break hexes and prevent future problems

Mullein: Protection

Myrrh: Add to enhance and boost workings

Dead Nettle: To overcome obstacles, archangel Micheal protection.

Palo Santo:  Remove curses

Pennyroyal: To remove negative thoughts against you.

Periwinkle: To obtain grace

Pine: Clean breaks for new beginnings

Plantain: To remove vengeful negative energies and healing

Poppy Seeds: Invisibility 

Rose Geranium: Averts negativity, gossip and false accusations.

Slippery Elm: Halts gossip

St. John Wort: Strengthens courage and conviction when confronting nasty situations. 

Strawberry leaf: For favorable situations.

Thyme: Attracts good opinions of others.

Violet Flowers: Calm nerves and promote peace

Wormwood: To remove anger, stop war, protection against evil eye.


Just Judge Oil

Win Court Case Spell Kit

Helping Hand Oil

Law Away Oil (Conjured Cardea)

Danda Oil (Conjured Cardea)