
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Planetary Influence of Neptune


In Roman mythology Neptune was the god of the sea. Originally he was a deity of heaven, the god of clouds and rain. Later he became god of fresh and fertilizing water, finally he was relegated to the sea and a symbol of the negative aspect of the spirit. King of the depths of the subconscious, he unleashes the passions of the soul and the turbulent waters of life.

The planet Neptune is eighth in order from the sun, or about 2,794 million miles away. It is ruler of sea travel, bathing, premonitions, seances, spiritual experiences, classical music and divination of all kinds.

When scrying the crystal ball, burn Neptune incense so that the images will come forth more clearly.

Pass the Tarot or Oracle cards through the smoke and fumes of Neptune incense before laying out the spread.

Complementary day of the week is Friday

Herbs and Ingredients for Neptune:
Ambergris, Coffee bean, Tobacco, Mugwort, Blue Lotus, Carnation, Morning Glory, Orchid, Poppy seed, Myrrh, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Melissa, Honeysuckle, Spikenard, Cannabis Sativa, Coca leaf, Irish Moss, Club Moss, Slippery Elm, Gum Arabic, Powdered seashells

 *All water and sea plants:
Kelp, Sea grass, Seaweed, Spirulina, Water Lilies, Pitcher plant, Reed, Rushes

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