
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Planetary Influence of Mercury

The son of Jupiter and Maia, Mercury was the messenger of the gods, reputedly the inventor of weights and measures. He was also known as a cunning thief, stealing the girdle of Venus, the bow and arrow of Apollo, the spear of Neptune and the tools of Vulcan. Because of these feats, Mercury was therefore called the "God of Thieves." He was also the conductor of souls to Hades.

A burner of Mercury incense in the room where death occurs can ease the passage of the soul onto the other world gently.
If you must do something which you do not wish to be discovered, prevent detection by keeping a container of Mercury incense lighted while at the deed you want kept secret.

Mercury rules over the printed word and therefore a great favorite with writers and poets. Burn Mercury incenses to inspire a facility with words.
When sending a letter, pass it through the fumes after it is written and sealed as this will encourage the recipient to accept your message favorably.

Mercury can bring favor to these intentions:
  • Acquire understanding
  • Converse with spirits
  • Influence others
  • Know the future
  • Open locked or closed doors
  • Pass tests
  • Settle quarrels
  • Succeed in the theatre
  • Success in business

Mercury rules Wednesday

Aspen, Acacia, Bittersweet, Celery, Chicory, Caraway, Chickweed, Colts foot, Cinquefoil, Dill, Fennel, Fireweed,  Fern, Flax, Hazelnut, Horehound, Lavender, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram, Mint, Mushroom, Myrtle, Parsley, Valerian

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