
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ancestral Healing

“The collective pain-body is probably encoded within every human’s DNA, although we haven’t discovered it there yet.  ~ Eckhart Tolle

Having experienced the physical passing of four immediate family members in the last nine months has brought the importance of ancestral healing  front stage for me. I have very little doubt of the truth that previous generations have a profound affect on our lives, not just the knowledge, learning and teachings they past down while manifested in this realm, but the unseen and seldom heard, recorded DNA memories. In my own family, while my grandmother was still alive, she experienced an extreme act of violence that traumatized and raised her fear levels into a morbid terror and phobia of the outside world and other people. She lived the major part of her life closed and shut away from the world outside of her house, the simple act of opening the front door rather somebody was knocking or not, was overwhelmingly terrifying for her.  No one (that I can find) from previous generations before her had such a morbid fear and crippling condition anything like hers. But, strangely enough, we are reaching four and five generations out, and several family members that never knew her, not once ever met her and have very little knowledge of her,  now display, suffer and struggle with degrees of the same condition she had.We have a lot a little children starting out earlier in the therapist office and parents wringing their hands with worry that something unexplainable and terribly bad is wrong with their children. Running joke at family events is based in comparing the "shitty DNA" we each inherited. 

We do not realize that whatever has been done, felt or thought is within our DNA. We have inherited all the energetic patterning including our ancestors' thoughts, feelings, illnesses and reactions to both tragedies and celebrations.

Over the years, I have listened to other family members that knew my grandmother, make fun of her and down right belittle her. My own father made the horrible statements that her life was worthless and that she contributed nothing to humanity. But the one thing never heard from these people that knew her so well, was a family secret that got covered up, something that no one wanted to face...what actually caused her condition. Without that knowledge, her condition is unexplainable, just like the extended family being affecting by it today (it's just some shitty DNA we all inherited, right?). The answer to that question is "Yes and No", it is memory energy that will continue to be past along in our family DNA, but as an energy it can be changed and transformed into something more helpful and positive that won't bring with it such crippling affects. Healing ancestral  memory and energy requires honesty and truth, it requires someone in the family being able to pass on the truthful, non candy coated reality of their ancestor's lives. And it requires the younger and newer generations to have the interest in knowing the histories of those that went before them. 

Our ancestors exist not only in genes passed down through the generations, but also in an energetic pattern of thoughts, emotions, illnesses and karma which can effect every part of a person's life. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues can be healed such as alcoholism, depression, mental illness and various physical illnesses. Even criminality which has now been mapped by the Human Genome Project can be addressed by ancestral healing. 

If the family members laughing at my grandmother actually knew what had happened that eventually caused and helped to push her fears over into the morbid, I should hate to think they would not choke on their laughter. I would also hate to think that they would not take the time to consider and acknowledge everything handed down to her and all that she had been taught to believe inside her family circle that lent to the accumulation of "shitty DNA" patterns (Key words here: TAUGHT and PATTERNS) that left her defenseless to the final blow that destroyed all her hopes and dreams while she lived. And as for my father, I could only wish that his statement about grandma not contributing to humanity was true, but, fact is, we all contribute rather we want to or not. 

Normally, the things drawn into the DNA ancestral gene pools are usually the issues we would never want to be passed on and have others affected by them. I'm sure that my grandmother's travel between the veils has thus far been a heart wrenching experience for her to know and sense that her own blocked path and unfinished healing has now extended further into the lives of others coming after her (the more profound and frequent the symptoms showing up in the next generations are signs of her turmoil {grief and guilt}of feeling herself to be the cause). Which starts a chain reaction that will reach back into generations of those that came before her and of those that were here living on earth with her, having them add in and attribute their own "what I did and didn't do that helped cause this", thus sending forward an extremely strong current and vibration through the DNA that affects the greater percentage of people being born into the family's blood line. 

When working with your ancestors on certain issues, don't be surprised if and when you find an unbelievable plethora of seemingly unrelated issues, patterns, behaviors, beliefs, personality traits and characteristics tied into and feeding off of that initial issue. It is also worthy of mention that when it comes to DNA, "likeness attracts likeness", which means that patterns formed and passed on through your mother's family will more than likely match the patterns coming through your father's side also, I have even noticed similar patterns running through the relatives by marriage and not blood such as spouses of uncles, aunts and cousins, etc... 
If you find two people attracted to each other, one of the main things that seals the deal between them is that their DNA is bouncing and singing in harmony.

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