
Monday, March 9, 2015

Backyard Magick ~ Part Two ~ "Rocks"

~ Rocks ~

Rocks are classified into three main categories: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are formed from heat and fire, sedimentary rocks are formed from particles being pressed together over a long period of time, and metamorphic rocks are formed when a sedimentary or igneous rock changes form due to pressure and/or heat. 

Igneous rocks contain properties of both earth and fire. One common type of igneous rock is granite, a very hard stone. Magickally, granite can be used in spells for defense, protection, perseverance, stability and lasting passion.

Sedimentary rocks are great for energy combining spells. Sandstone, rock salt, chert, coal, dolomite, flint and limestone, just to name a few.

Metamorphic rocks, such as quartzite, slate, soapstone, gneiss, or phyllite can be used for causing change or transformation.

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