
Thursday, July 10, 2014

How to Use Ritual Spell Oils

Merry meet!

 Single herb and resin oils (like sage, mint, rosemary, frankincense etc..) they can be used just like the herbs or resins they are made from, they have the same properties and energies as the dried herbs and resins. When you are mixing oils for an intent and spell, just as you would grind your herb or resin with focus, you swirl each of your oils in a bottle with focus, never shake your oils (swirl widdershins or deosil according to your purpose and intent).

  With any herb, resin or oil (any magickal item for that matter!) before you rely upon what others say it is best used for, experiment and experience what your own intuition and instinct tells you it is good for. We each have and possess different energies within us and when that energy combines with the energies of the herbs/resins then awesome individualize magick happens. 
Blessed be

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