
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Purple Dead Nettle Lamium purpureum

Purple Dead Nettle 
 Lamium purpureum

Other Names: Red Nettle, Red Dead-nettle, Red Henbit, Red Archangel, Purple Archangel, Dumb Nettle, Deaf Nettle, Blind Nettle

Folklore: Believed by some old wives to be a plague of the fields sent to punish the unrighteous. 
 The name ‘Lamium’ comes from the Greek ‘laimos’ meaning ‘throat’, referring to the shape of the flower. 
Archangel refers to the plant’s general blossoming date of May 8th, the old version which falls 11 days before the current one, and which was dedicated to the Archangel Michael.

Properties: Edible and medicinal, the leaves and upper plants are cooked as pot herbs or added to salads. The plant is very nutritious, high in iron, vitamins and fiber. The whole plant is medicinal, used as an astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, purgative, styptic and tonic. Lab tests show that Lamium purpureum seed oil possess high antioxidant activities, and might be used as a future food-additive. In the past, this plant has been used to treat digestive issues, gout and joint pain. A decoction of the plant is particularly useful for checking any kind of hemorrhage, the fresh bruised leaves can be applied to external cuts and wounds. The dried herb, made into a tea and sweetened with honey, promotes perspiration and acts on the kidneys. A tea made from the fresh plant is an excellent laxative and tonic.

Medicinal tea: Add 2 tbsp. fresh or dried herb to to 1 cup water steep for 10 min. strain and drink in ½ cup doses, for laxative, and general tonic.

Pot Herb: Boil flowers and leaves in water for 20 to 30 min. drain, season to taste.

Magickal Properties: 

Although there is little magickal powers attributed to dead nettle because of the "No Sting" in the nettles, never under estimate the powers and energies of this potent spell herb for banishing, expelling and cleansing negative, stinging harmful energies from the surroundings and self.  Like its latter name "Archangel" this little seemingly benign herb is a warrior and conqueror of gracefully overtaking any nasty situations without the use of retaliation. It's energies are calming and cooling of heated emotions, helps with clear thinking and decision making in chaotic times and circumstances. It will boost and add to the energies of any herbs associated with and used for: confidence, courage, calmness, peace, strength, graceful persistence, clear thinking and emotional balance.

~ Archangel Guardian Sachet ~

A two sided sachet (bag) made of flannel, one side white the other red

  -Dead Nettle
 -Juniper Berries
 -St. Johns-wort

* Small (pebble size) Sodalite, green adenturine and one natural pebble stone (doesn't matter what type, just make sure to gather it from outside, can even be one you have picked up in the street)

Feed the sachet with Amber Oil


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