
Friday, March 21, 2014

Scrying Mirror

Scrying Mirror

Scrying is one of the oldest known forms of divination. The black scrying mirror, or magick mirror, is a powerful psychic tool. It can bring the user hidden knowledge, clairvoyant ability and can act as a portal to other planes of existence. It can be used to access your inner self, spirit guides and oracles. Scrying comes from the English word "descry" which means "to make out dimly" or "to reveal." 

 Your Magick Scrying Mirror should only be used for divination. Keep it covered and stored away from everyday energies. Keep it clean and dust free. Traditionally, Mugwort was used to clean a scrying mirror and you can even store a bit of Mugwort with your mirror for protection and energy.

 Some people "lock" the powers of their mirrors to their use alone by charging it with a secret, magick word. You can do this while cleansing and consecrating your magick mirror by placing your finger on the mirror's center and saying your magick word three times. Between speaking each word, remove your finger from the mirror and breathe through the spot.

The methods of scrying differ but after a period of concentration on the speculum visions, mental images, or impressions appear. Frequently the visions are symbolic and the scryer must meditate on their visions to interpret their meanings. 

To use your magick mirror, place a candle behind the mirror or light two candles on either side of the mirror. (Personal preference). Hold your hands over the black surface and whisper your magick word three times. Gaze into the mirror's blackness -- not on it. Another method is to sit under the full moon with your mirror. Catch the moon's reflection in the black mirror and begin scrying into this reflection.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Candle Magick and Colors

Candle Magic:  Hecate's Cauldron

white candles: protection, purification and healing

black candles: protection, deep meditation and remove negativity

pink candles: love, friendship

red candles: passion, protection, strength, health, courage, fertility and will power

orange candles: stimulation, mental agility, energy, success and stamina

yellow candles: attraction, study, charm, confidence and persuasion

green candles: money, fertility, growth and employment (*note these are forest, pine green so add in the protection of fortunes and prosperity)

light blue candles: healing, patience, happiness, peace, tranquility and calmness

dark blue candles: change, understanding, wisdom and self-awareness

purple candles: healing, meditation, psychic powers, wisdom

Gray/Grey candles: neutrality, stalemate, negativity, victory, stability, meditation, developing psychic ability, removal of negative powers and energies, repelling destruction

Brown: Earth, a balanced color. Rituals for material gain, eliminates indecisiveness, furthers powers of concentration, learning, telepathy. Expands financial success, finds lost items. Material prosperity, Home, friendships, balance, animal magic, earth magic, concentration and studying, wealth, success, intuition, psychic powers and ESP.

Lavender: Mother consciousness, manifestation and selflessness, Spirituality, compassion, understanding, inspiration, make contact with Higher-Self, attract spiritual assistance, very calming. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Ritual Oils

Ritual Oils

Like all magical tools, oils help focus spell work by creating an enhanced environment for your intent, often magic oils are used to anoint tools, dress candles, feed talisman, charms, crystals, doorknobs, windowsills and other objects. When buying magick oils always inquire as to the intent uses of it:

 Is it a perfume aroma therapy oil? -- These are used for scent magic where the smell is highly important, your intent is to utilize the scent to create and conjure.The idea of scent as sacrifice goes back to ancient times. Some prefer to use only essential oils for this magick while others feel that perfumed oils are just as powerful in this working, the intent and focus remaining on the "Scent" of the oil and what that scent draws or expels.  
Is it a dressing oil or anointing oil? -- Some dressing oils are not meant to be anointing oils, they are for dressing "non-living" things while anointing oils can be applied to the "alive" things, yourself, plants and animals, most anointing oils can be used for dressing oils also.  These oils do not focus on the scent of the oil but rather the powers and energies the herbs and resins lend to the oil, they should remain in as close to a natural form as possible containing the actual herb or resin in a carrier (almond, olive, joba, etc...) Because they contain no fragrance oils or synthetics, their scent tends to be both more subtle and more complex than synthetic fragrances. Subtle for a reasoning, not all magick workings should draw attention. 

Single ingredient oils such as sage, rosemary or frankincense hold the essence and vibrational energies of the herb or resin and corresponds to the same powers and energies as the herb (plant). Doing workings and don't have the herb, grab the oil, same for oils, don't have a certain oil grab the herb. The herb and oil can be used interchangeably. Oils are a convenient way for mixing special and sacred blends for heating in a warmer when burning incense is not options. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014


 Also Called: Nacissus, Lent Lily, Jonquil, Goose Leek, Lentlilly
 Symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings, the daffodil is virtually synonymous with spring, because of their long association with Lent, they’re known as the “Lent Lily.” Lore connecting the daffodil to not only a sign of winter’s end but a lucky emblem of future prosperity is found throughout the world. In Greek mythology the daffodil is described as a pale yellow deathless kind of lily flower, that overspreads the plains of Hades, and is the favorite food of the dead.

The March birth flower and the 10th wedding anniversary flower, a gift of daffodils is said to ensure happiness. But always remember to present daffodils in a bunch – the same legends that associate this cheerful flower with good fortune warn us that when given as a single bloom, a daffodil can foretell misfortune. 

The part of the plant that is normally used in magick is the flowers - either fresh or dried, but feel free to utilize the whole plant.
  •  Used to keep negative energy away from the home or altar, sprinkle dried petals or place fresh flowers on an altar to attract friendly sprits.
  • Keep in the house or garden to cheer you up.
  • Add to bathwater to increase your luck and bring new people into your life. Wear near the heart to bring good luck.
  • Place fresh daffodils in the home to increase fertility. Mix with rose petals and place around a photo of a lover you want to return to you.

Petrified Agatized Wood


 More often than not agatized wood coloring is brown, but it can be found in grey and even green color.
Petrified wood is powerful in removing obstacles. Use it to assist in reaching goals that you are having trouble with or to smooth a path for any endeavor that you anticipate will be ridden with difficult barriers. Each piece of Petrified wood has its own ‘personality’, its own ‘guardian’. These guardians will take you through portals into forms of awareness which you may have forgotten, but need to develop once again, brings wisdom, insight into Akashic records, it is especially gentle in grounding, giving a sure foundation upon which to spring forth into deeper intuition and insight, assists in making steady spiritual growth, developing patience, perseverance and inner peace. It assists you in remembering who you truly are.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Purple Dead Nettle Lamium purpureum

Purple Dead Nettle 
 Lamium purpureum

Other Names: Red Nettle, Red Dead-nettle, Red Henbit, Red Archangel, Purple Archangel, Dumb Nettle, Deaf Nettle, Blind Nettle

Folklore: Believed by some old wives to be a plague of the fields sent to punish the unrighteous. 
 The name ‘Lamium’ comes from the Greek ‘laimos’ meaning ‘throat’, referring to the shape of the flower. 
Archangel refers to the plant’s general blossoming date of May 8th, the old version which falls 11 days before the current one, and which was dedicated to the Archangel Michael.

Properties: Edible and medicinal, the leaves and upper plants are cooked as pot herbs or added to salads. The plant is very nutritious, high in iron, vitamins and fiber. The whole plant is medicinal, used as an astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, purgative, styptic and tonic. Lab tests show that Lamium purpureum seed oil possess high antioxidant activities, and might be used as a future food-additive. In the past, this plant has been used to treat digestive issues, gout and joint pain. A decoction of the plant is particularly useful for checking any kind of hemorrhage, the fresh bruised leaves can be applied to external cuts and wounds. The dried herb, made into a tea and sweetened with honey, promotes perspiration and acts on the kidneys. A tea made from the fresh plant is an excellent laxative and tonic.

Medicinal tea: Add 2 tbsp. fresh or dried herb to to 1 cup water steep for 10 min. strain and drink in ½ cup doses, for laxative, and general tonic.

Pot Herb: Boil flowers and leaves in water for 20 to 30 min. drain, season to taste.

Magickal Properties: 

Although there is little magickal powers attributed to dead nettle because of the "No Sting" in the nettles, never under estimate the powers and energies of this potent spell herb for banishing, expelling and cleansing negative, stinging harmful energies from the surroundings and self.  Like its latter name "Archangel" this little seemingly benign herb is a warrior and conqueror of gracefully overtaking any nasty situations without the use of retaliation. It's energies are calming and cooling of heated emotions, helps with clear thinking and decision making in chaotic times and circumstances. It will boost and add to the energies of any herbs associated with and used for: confidence, courage, calmness, peace, strength, graceful persistence, clear thinking and emotional balance.

~ Archangel Guardian Sachet ~

A two sided sachet (bag) made of flannel, one side white the other red

  -Dead Nettle
 -Juniper Berries
 -St. Johns-wort

* Small (pebble size) Sodalite, green adenturine and one natural pebble stone (doesn't matter what type, just make sure to gather it from outside, can even be one you have picked up in the street)

Feed the sachet with Amber Oil


Friday, March 14, 2014

Ritual Scentz Van Van Oil


Home-cleansing methods are of great importance in hoodoo folk-magic.

Here is a simple procedure for blessing a new home and ridding a house of any unwanted spiritual influences.

Wash down the wood work and floors with Chinese Wash (or Van Van Oil in water) from back to front and out the front door and throw the remaining wash water out the front door or in the front yard. If there is no front yard, carry some of the wash water to the nearest street intersection or crossroads and throw it to the East.
Then use a brand new broom to sweep the house from back to front and out the front door.
Some also like to sprinkle Van Van Powder at the front threshold and sweep that away from the house.

After cleaning as above, put down pinches of salt in the corners of each room or, if you are in a hurry, four pinches of salt at the four outside corners of the house.